Who We Are
We are an online community of believers who endeavor to approach the Scriptures in context, with as little theological bias as possible.
For the moment, setting aside our position that what we do speaks far more about who we are than what we say we believe; we now engage in the silliness of a "what we believe" statement.
Recognizing that no one has a corner on the truth, and that many who truly love the G-d of Jacob have best exemplified the truths of Scriptures in some important and well-defined areas:
- Regarding the Oneness of G-d, we are Chassidic
- Regarding Messiah, we are Messianic
- Regarding the Holy Spirit, we are mystic
- Regarding Grace, we are Calvinist
- Regarding the written Torah, we are as Orthodox Judaism
- Regarding our need for Messiah's atoning work, we are Christian
- Regarding the Chosen People of G-d, Israel, we are Zionist
- Regarding the life of Torah for Jew and Gentiles alike, we are "One King, One People, One Law" and we repudiate divisive doctrines such as "Divine Invitiation", Supercessionism, and "Bilateral Ecclesiology"
We hold that:
- There is one G-d who is above all things and in absolute control of His creation.
- G-d created the universe in six literal
days. Man was created as a unique being in the image of G-d.
- Yeshua HaMashiach [Yeshua the Messiah] is the expression of the invisible G-d, fully G-d yet fully man. He
came to earth, born of a virgin, suffered and died as the perfect sacrifice to
redeem His people from sin, rose bodily from the dead on the third day, and
ascended into heaven. At a future time, He will return to the earth as the
reigning King.
- Salvation is by
grace, a free gift of G-d apart from works; salvation is through personal
faith in Yeshua HaMashiach; all who follow Him are regenerated by the
Holy Spirit and become the children of G-d; and true salvation will be
manifested by a changed life, as G-d has written His Torah upon our
- All people will be resurrected from the
dead in the Last Day—the righteous to everlasting life in the World to Come
and the wicked to everlasting death in the lake of fire.
- Scripture, which includes both the Hebrew TaNaKh and the Apostolic Scriptures, is without error in its original manuscripts. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture is the supreme and final authority for faith and life, and none of it has been abolished.